Herping Hon Son Report

The relentless rain seemed determined to dampen our spirits, but nothing could deter us from our mission: finding endemic snakes on Hòn Sơn Island in Kiên Giang province. Our first target, the legendary python, supposedly resided atop Ma Thiên Lãnh mountain (Hon Son island).

Soaked to the bone, we tackled the slippery slope. The climb was a battle against the elements, each step a test of perseverance. Finally, we reached the peak, the wind whipping at our rain-battered faces. First target is a reticulated python but we didn’t find it. We had heard the story of the python that lived in a cave at the mountain foot, but we were very unfortunate.

Dejected but not defeated, we descended towards a gurgling stream, hoping for better luck. As if in response to our dampened mood, a flash of color caught our eye. Not one, but two vibrantly colored snakes slithered across the path near the stream. Their scales, a kaleidoscope of greens and yellows, shone brilliantly even under the gloomy sky. It was an unexpected but welcome reward for our persistence.

Our spirits lifted, we continued our exploration, spotting a magnificent Asian water monitor basking on a nearby rock. Its massive size and special appearance added another layer of wonder to the day. Despite the initial setback, Hòn Sơn Island was proving to be a treasure trove of reptilian diversity. It's pitiful for it because it only has 3 legs, probably because it was trapped by hunters or was defective right from birth. Anyway, it's really beautiful, this is also the first time I've seen a monitor in the wild. After a quick meeting and a few pictures, I quickly wished the monitor a beautiful life and hoped he would live well for the rest of his life. We continue to the next target.

But our true objective awaited us – the Hon Son pit viper. We navigated towards a dark cave entrance nestled beneath the mountain, the rain drumming a steady rhythm on the rocks. Headlamps pierced the inky blackness as we cautiously entered the damp cavern. The silence was broken only by dripping water and the rasp of our boots.

There, nestled amongst the rocks, lay a Hon Son pit viper! Its beauty was undeniable! But the surprise wasn't over. Curled beside the first viper, perfectly camouflaged, was another! Two vipers, sharing this hidden haven! Finding even one would have been a triumph, but encountering a pair was beyond our wildest dreams. We documented the encounter meticulously, our initial disappointment replaced by a surge of exhilaration.

Hon Son pit viper

Emerging from the cave, the rain seemed less harsh, the air lighter. Hòn Sơn Island may not have yielded a python, but it had presented us with a dazzling array of reptilian wonders. The vibrant snakes, the imposing monitor, and the double dose of vipers – a testament to the island's hidden, slithering secrets.


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